Dude Looks Like a Lady - DC Clubbing

Dude Looks Like a Lady

D.C. Drag Race 2011

Drag Queens galore slap on their size 13 heels and race down 17th Street

Halloween is a time where children dress up as superheroes and princesses, boys dress like girls and girls dress like sluts.  At the annual D.C. Drag Race, anything goes and drag queens reign supreme. 

Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Location: 17th Street (near Dupont Circle)

Race Time: 9 PM

Traditionally held on the Tuesday before Halloween, this annual neighborhood event features elaborately costumed drag queens racing up 17th Street (from Church to Q streets) and attracts thousands.

The race begins at 9, but the crowd gathers hours before as the drag queens show off their ladies’ finest and get hammered.  There’s nothing that says Halloween better than running into 50 Sarah Palins, plently of Chers, Madonnas, and adult babies all the while drinking out of red plastic cups!

To get a street-side seat at an on-course cafe like JR’s or the Fox & Hounds, stake out your spot by 6, and certainly no later than 7. (There’s plenty of space along the sidewalk, though crowds often block the view.) The informal block party continues long after the last the race.